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As College Trustee for the College of the Sequoias, Connie Diaz will work to expand opportunities with Community Centered Leadership by:


Fighting For On Campus Childcare

Connie will advocate for on campus childcare to assure students, staff and faculty will have the support needed to succeed.

Protecting Student Services & Resources

Connie will protect library services and campus resources for students to have academic support.

Expanding Class Offerings

Connie will work to expand class offerings directly in rural communities like Lindsay, Corcoran, Tipton and Pixley to provide basic classes as as the Hanford and Tulare Centers.  She will also work to provide more opportunities to high school students with dual enrollment courses.

Focusing on Student Enrollment, Needs & Partnerships

Connie will continue the effort to increase student enrollment, provide for the basic needs of students, and strengthen partnerships including with other local colleges and universities and local healthcare providers.


Paid For By Diaz For College of the Sequoias 2024, Ward 4 * FPPC # 1471926
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